The Voices, XIV General Chapter
The Scalabrinian Family launches an appeal to “talk about migration
The General Direction of the three Institutes of the Scalabrinian Family (composed of the Fathers, Sisters and Lay Consecrated) met in Villabassa (Bolzano). The goal was to focus attention on the most pressing needs in the migration sector. “We are living in a time when old and new conflicts uproot thousands of people from their […]
Migrant women: brave and eager to live/survive
The migratory phenomenon of the northern triangle of Central America (Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador), has historical roots and is a product of cultural, economic and political integration of the countries that comprise this region. Since the 20th century, and especially since the beginning of the armed conflicts, the populations of Central American migrants sought […]
Pope: We need unity, not soloists out of the choir
“The bishop can not have all the gifts, all the charisms – some believe they have, poor things! – but he is called to have the charism of the unity, that is to hold together, to promote the communion of the Church, we noeed not soloists out of the choir or of leaders of personal […]
A statement of the 3 DG Scalabrinian Family: open the doors to our brothers
A statement on the current migratory situation of the General Direction of the Missionaries of St. Charles – Scalabrinians, the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo – Scalabrinians and the Scalabrinian Secular Missionaries, at the conclusion of their annual meeting, held in Rome from July 1 to 3, 2018.