“The bishop can not have all the gifts, all the charisms – some believe they have, poor things! – but he is called to have the charism of the unity, that is to hold together, to promote the communion of the Church, we noeed not soloists out of the choir or of leaders of personal battles “. This is what Pope Francis said during the audience with the bishops of the Mission Territories who attended the Seminar promoted by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples at the Vatican. “The Pastor gathers: a bishop for his faithful, he is a Christian with his faithful, he does not make news in the newspapers, he does not seek the consensus of the world, he is not interested in protecting his good name, but he loves to weave the communion by involving himself and acting with resignation, he does not suffer from lack of protagonism, but lives rooted in the territory, rejecting the temptation to move away frequently from the Diocese, the temptation of the ‘airport bishops’ and fleeing the search for his own glories “.