LIbia: Exodus dala Tunisia

Tunisi- “ Al campo migranti di Qasr Bin Gashsir si sta per consumare una carneficina, con cinquecento migranti, bambini, donne e uomini, che ormai da sei giorni sono senza cibo e con scarsissime scorte d’acqua. Oggi pomeriggio le forze di polizia del governo di Tripoli sono arrivate al campo e hanno provato a trasferire i […]
World Day of Migrants and Refugees: ‘It is not just about migrants’

“It is not just about migrants”. This is the theme for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, to be celebrated on Sunday, 29 September 2019. The theme was announced on Sunday by the Migrants and Refugees Section of the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. As Fr. Michael Czerny SJ, Under-Secretary of the Section, […]
Vatican published new Pastoral Orientations against human trafficking

The Catholic Church is continuing to lead the charge against the “scourge” of human trafficking. In a new document released , the Migrant and Refugee Section of the Dicastery for Integral Human Development offers new Pastoral Orientations to help better understand, and combat, the phenomenon of human trafficking.
Global Compact: “the entire planet feels the need to treat the issue of migrants in a unified manner”

Rome “The Global Compact on immigration testifies that the entire planet feels the need to treat the issue of migrants in a unified manner. This is a theme to be considered without the political borders of the globe, but with real physical borders. The planisphere should be seen not on the side of national colors, […]
CEI released documents on “Migrants, from fear to welcome”

The Italian Episcopal Conference released a statement on Thursday warning against a culture of fear that, they say, fosters a climate of mistrust and rejection towards migrants. They also appealed for the respect for life and the will to protect, promote and integrate those fleeing their homes.