Suore Missionarie di San Carlo Borromeo Scalabriniane

Scalabrinians, XIV General Chapter elected New Leadership

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Sr. Neusa de Fatima Mariano is reappointed at the Superior General of the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borrmeo, Scalabrinians. She will continue to lead the congregation for the next 6 years, from 2019 to 2025.  Her reelection took place during the XIV General Chapter in Rocca di Papa (Rome – Italy) and which has also renewed the other offices of the Council.

Sister Neusa, who has already held this position in the previous six years, is Brazilian, born August 6, 1963, daughter of José Vicente Mariano and Maria Aparecida de Souza Mariano. She graduated in pedagogy at the Senador Flaquer University, Santo André, in São Paulo, Brazil.

The council members of the new leadership are Sr. Anna Paula Ferreira da Rocha, Sr. Ana Silvia Zamin, Sister Janete Aparecida Ferreira and Sr. Elizangela Chaves Dias.

  • Sr. Ana Paula Fereira da Rocha, born the 5th January, 1977, from Icaraima, PR, Brazil,, daughter of and Antônio Ferreira da Rocha, Ana Xavier da Rocha, she is responsible of the Congregational Acilia- Italy upon her election.
  • Sr. Ana Sílvia Zamin, born on June 24, 1973, from São Domingos do Sul, RS, Brazil, children of Dorval Zamin and Honorina Del Savio Zamin, upon her election, she holds an office as Directress of the Scalabrinian Service for Migrants and Refugees (SMR), Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Sr. Janete Aparecida Ferreira, born on July 5, 1959, from Santa Mariana Parana, Brazil, daughter of Moises Ferreira Tereza Ferreira, she is at Itinerant Service upon her election.
  • Sr. Elizangea Chaves Diaz, born on January 21, 1980, from Brasilia DF, Brazil, daughter of Francisco Xavier Dias and Maria das Graças C. Dias, upon her election she serves as a professor of SIMI- Urbaniana Pontifical University – Rome and as Collaborator of Scalabrinian Migration Research Center (CSEM), Brazilia.

“We beseech the Holy Trinity to grant them continuous blessings and assist them for a fruitful service of animation of consecrated missionary religious life of the Institute, so that in the Church we may be a sign of God’s love and a testimony of hope and prophecy of the Kingdom”, explain the Sisters of the Chapter. “May the words of the prophet Micah ‘Walk humbly with your God’, which guide this Chapter, may inspire Sister Neusa to serve and grow, with hope, the horizon of the Congregational mission, in evangelical and missionary service to migrants and refugees”, she added.

“I thank the Sisters who participated in the Chapter and all those who, in the different places of the world where we operate, who have been close to us with prayer” explained Sister Neusa de Fatima Mariano. “In the previous six years, we have embarked on a profound path of reorganization, able to keep up with the times, with an increasingly globalized world and with deep and diverse migration needs and emergencies. The four verbs of Pope Francis, welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating, are for us the cardinal points of a journey in support of migrants and refugees, for their protection and their inclusion. Over the next six years there will be great challenges to face, bearing in mind that just as in our hearts are the words and teachings of Jesus Christ that illuminate the world of hope and joy. We have done it and we will always do so, with the examples of Christian life of Saint Charles Borromeo, of our founder Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini, and of our co-founders Blessed Mother Assunta Marchetti and Venerable Father Joseph Marchetti “.


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