Suore Missionarie di San Carlo Borromeo Scalabriniane

MSCS inaugurates New Home for Women Refugees and Migrants

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The Chaire Gynai inaguration

Two new welcome homes  will be inaugurated on 30th September 2018, at 4:30 p.m. in Rome  that shelter  women refugees with children and for migrants in situations of vulnerability.  It is called “Chaire Gynai”, a Greek phrase that stands for “Welcome, Woman”.


The New Initiative

The initiative was made possible not only by the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo, Scalabrinian, but also by the Dicastery of the Holy See for the Integral Human Development Service (Migrant and Refugee Section) and by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, the UISG (International Union of Superior General) and the CEI (Italian Catholic Bishop Conference). Together with the Scalabrinians,  also involved are the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who made their two houses,  available and with other female religious Congregations who also, contribute to the success of the project.


A Home for Women towards complete integration

The two homes (among the first of the kind in Italy) are located in 506 Pinetta Sacchetti Street  and No. 5 Michele Mercati Street.  Women who have already obtained the recognition of refugee status in Italy or who may regulate their migratory status are the beneficiaries. This also include women for which documents can be transformed to the certain type of necessary residence permit. The migratns and refugees can stay for a period ranging from 6 months to a maximum of a year, until they have achieved complete autonomy and integration.


The first who were welcomed

Among the first group of women who are welcomed were from Syria, Uganda, Senegal, Congo, Cameroon, Ethiopia, India and Burindi who are being accompanied and have series of professional paths that they do which  are useful in a process of integration. There are professionals who assist them and one is an expert lawyer of human rights.  At present,  there are about 17 womenadults and 7 children inthis project.


Working with migrants,  a great grace that confirms our mission

“For us, working with migrants is a great grace that confirms our mission. We thank Pope Francis for his call and his call to the whole world, inviting us to assume what is his heart, that is, migrants and refugees with children, my gratitude  also to the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus who generously opened their houses and with us, together, we can manage and administer the project; we also express our sincere thanks to the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, the Dicastery of the Holy See for the Integral Human Development Service (Migrant and Refugee Section), the CEI who are the protagonists of this great project, as well as the UISG (Union International Superior General). Between us there is a great collaboration to promote and  support the migrants “, explains Sister Neusa de Fatima Mariano, Superior General of the Scalabrinians. “Welcoming, protecting, promoting, integrating are the four guide verbs for Pope Francis and they are the four verbs that guide our pastoral choices, because no one should feel like a stranger, we are all sons and daughters of the same Father”, she added.


Supporting Women towards integration and professional enhancement

“We value the principle of human dignity, the right to freedom and equality, the enhancement of people and their protection – explains Sr. Eleia Scariot, Scalabrinian, the directress of the project. Our goal is to support women in their path of integration and professional enhancement. The basis is the redemption of hope: these women receive human and professional help and support, living experiences of co-existence, the enjoyment and the spirituality that revitalize help to redeem themselves, often wounded during their migratory journey. And at the same time, these women and their children can contribute to the construction of a different society, here in the Roman territory where they are inserted”.


Living the Legacy, our Story

The Congregation of the Misisonary Sisters of St. Charles – Scalabrinian was founded  in Piacenza in 1895 to respond the migratory phenomenon that time and the missionaries are currently present in 26 countries around the world. They are engaged in pastoral activity and have the direct assistance of migrants in emergency situations; in the formative projects, in the accompaniment, in the processes of re-elaboration of identity and integration in the territory; in pastoral support; in teaching the language; and as an active protagonist of the same subjects on human mobility.



For Details, contact  

Project Location:  “Chaire Gynai – Benvenuta Donna”

Via della Pineta Sacchetti, 506 • Roma – Italia

tel.: 0039.06.3050218   e-mail:

SIS – Scalabrinian Information Services

Missionary Sisters of St. Charles – Scalabrinian

Sr. Elizabeth Pedernal, mscs –  389 145 2515 (English)

Sr. Rosina Martins, mscs – +39 389  929 0918 (Portuguese)

Giampiero Valenza – +39 349  744 2938 (Italian)






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