Three months in Ventimiglia, on the border between France and Italy, to support migrants: this is the new challenge that today has led the Scalabrinian Missionary Sisters to be present through their itinerant Service. Until December 20, three religious (one Italian, one Filipino and one Brazilian) will intervene on the spot to support projects of help and support of the Church.
The initiative was born in collaboration with the Dioceses of Ventimiglia-Sanremo and Imperia, in coincidence with the next World Day of the migrant and refugee, Sunday 29 September.
The project is part of the activities already put in place by the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo (Scalabrinians), who since their foundation in the late nineteenth century have been dealing with assistance to migrants. The Sisters, with the Itinerant Service, an emergency response group, intend to be present on the most “hot” borders in the world to help refugees or those who, more generally, find themselves forced to emigrate.
“It is a challenge to accompany, to be traveling companions with those in difficulty, explains Sister Neusa de Fatima Mariano, general superior. We are aware of the large number of borders that are places of emergency for migrants. We have chosen to implement this new project to help migrants who, after crossing Africa and the Mediterranean, ask to go to France. Borders are always walls: they must be torn down because the hope of a better world cannot be translated into a document, a certificate. The will to build the city of God and of man, as Pope Francis says, is nourished with bridges of dialogue, and with hope in a more beautiful and serene future, which is a universal human right”.