A special recognition by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) goes to a Scalabrinian nun and the organization she is in charge of, for her commitment to support migrants. She is Sr. Rosita Milesi, from the Migration and Human Rights Institute (IMDH) of the Scalabrinian missionary Sisters.
The facility is located in Brasilia, the capital of the state, and she has worked in the Latin American countries to welcome refugees and migrants, with particular attention to women, children and more generally, vulnerable people.
The American structure of the UNHCR in its letter explains “The collaboration between the UNHCR of Brazil and the IMDH is already 15 years old and it is possible to affirm with certainty that the work carried out by the Migration and Human Rights Institute has contributed immeasurably to offer better living conditions to thousands of people who have been forced to leave their country of origin, and has been strengthening protection network that facilitate better working condition, socio-cultural integration and above all, access to fundamental rights “.
An important initiative implemented is that of RedeMir (the Network of Solidarity for migrants and refugees) that the IMDH developed together with the Network of hospitality for refugees and migrants which is, affirms UNHCR, “each time more essential for the strengthening of issues of asylum and migration “.
The IMDH was one of the first organizations to work on the border between Brazil and Venezuela in 2017 in support of Venezuelan migrants. “UNHCR – explains Sister Neusa de Fatima Mariano, superior general of the Scalabrinians – is a strategic partner for carrying out our mission which, as Scalabrinian missionary sisters, we have developed in many countries where we are present.
We want to continue to count on UNHCR’s support to promote the recognition of citizenship of refugees, to defend their rights, for legal and humanitarian assistance, for work and socio-cultural integration and for an impact on public policies. We share our concerns with UNHCR regarding the scale of the humanitarian crises in the world”.